2 min read

House Revenue - 02.01.2023

In the last three years, Portland area governments turned to income taxes as a new funding source to expand public services. The legislature considers a proposal to require uniformity.

Hearing Summary

On Wednesday, the House Revenue Committee held a hearing on a measure requiring local governments with income taxes to align their tax codes to the state. Although the bill would apply to any jurisdiction with an income tax, it aims directly at the personal and business taxes in the City of Portland, Multnomah County, and Metro. Additionally, the committee held a public hearing on a measure extending the sunset date for tax credits scheduled to expire this biennium. Since there are only four tax credits set to sunset, the hearing on that bill was unremarkable.

For the sake of transparency, I want to acknowledge that I am the lead proponent behind the measure aligning local income taxes to the state. If anyone has questions or would like additional information, please contact me via email.

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